16 Hands and McGuffey Show next

The Artisans Studio Tour was great fun.  Lots of nice people through, excellent weather. That Tour seems to get stronger every year!

Next on the show schedule is 16 Hands in Floyd County, Virginia next week. I’ll be showing with Rick Hensley & Donna Polseno in their studio.  The show runs November 23-25 — 10 am – 5 pm on Friday and Saturday and 12 – 5 pm on Sunday.

Then my fall show schedule finishes with the Holiday Show at McGuffey Art Center in Charlottesville, Virginia.  The show runs November 20 – December 30, with the Opening Reception on Friday, December 7.

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Studio Tour this weekend! New pots in the showroom!

With extensive help from friends, I’ve spent much of this week reconfiguring classroom space into an expanded showroom that will be up during all of November and December.  This coming weekend, we’ll take part in the Artisans Studio Tour on November 10 & 11. Penny Sipple will join me with her leather bags and some of my pottery students will demonstrate throwing and hand-building. We’ll be here Saturday and Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. Our friends at Basic Necessities will provide finger food, plus we’ll have homemade goodies. Mine is one of twenty studios in this 18th Annual Tour, which will showcase work by thirty-six artisans.

If you can’t make it by this weekend, you can see images of the expanded showroom and do some cyber shopping at the Pots In My Studio page.  I’ll be happy to send you dimensions and prices on anything you see in that cyber-gallery, as well as to ship your purchases.

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New stoneware firing

Unloaded another stoneware firing.  This one included the rest of my 2012 work plus some student pots. Next firing will be all student work.  Photos below:

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Today’s stoneware firing

Busy day today!  Unloaded a firing of my pots and then took advantage of the residual warmth in the kiln and shed to reload it.  I’m going to wait until Hurricane Sandy moves out of the area before firing it.  Today’s fired kiln was predominantly my work.  The one I just finished loading has the last of my 2012 pots in it along with some of my students’ work.  I’ll be firing at least one more kiln with only their work in it as soon as everyone finishes glazing.

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Unloaded the salt kiln today — nice firing!

Here are some snaps of today’s firing.  Good salt overall

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The Spark — today’s interview on NPR

Here is a link to today’s interview on The Spark — a program on our local NPR station.

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Fall Schedule of Shows and Events

Such a busy time of year! It’s been too long since I posted here, and rather than make it up from scratch, I am going to paste the newsletter I just sent:

First, my studio will be open during the Artisans Studio Tour on November 10 & 11. Penny Sipple will join me with her leather bags and some of my pottery students will demonstrate throwing and hand-building. We’ll be here Saturday and Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. Our friends at Basic Necessities will provide finger food, plus we’ll have hot cider and homemade goodies. Mine is one of twenty studios in this 18th Annual Tour, which will showcase work by thirty-six artisans.

Second, I am excited to report that I’ve been invited to join the 16 Hands Studio Tour in Floyd County, Virginia. I’ll be a guest in the studio of my friends Rick Hensley and Donna Polseno. The Tour is Friday – Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend – November 23-25. Their website includes details about the Tour, or if you contact me, I can mail you a brochure.

Third, you can hear an interview with me on a program called The Spark on WMRA (our local NPR station) this Friday, October 19, at 12 noon. Martha Woodroof, who hosts The Spark, describes the program as a look at creativity.

And finally, once 2012 classes are finished, we’ll convert the classroom into an expanded showroom. The showroom will be open every day during November and December. Please come by or, if you can’t make it in person, pay a cyber-visit to the Pots in my Showroom page of my website when you begin Holiday Shopping. Thanks!

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful fall,

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Final workshop of the year was a winner!

We had a great time together at the workshop last weekend.   Unfortunately not all participants were available for the photo op at the end, but here are four of us, with Paul and Doris missing.  The pots on the table are just part of what was made — talk about a wonderfully productive few days.

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New pots in the showroom

My friend Ann and I priced new work and then rearranged the showroom this afternoon.  I just finished posting photos of the space in the Pots in My Showroompage.  Here is one of the photos.

Salt glazed pots in the showroom upstairs

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Catching up on the website…

Life has been so busy lately that I have not been keeping up with posts to this website.  I had a great time demonstrating throwing at City Clay in Charlottesville in July.  Taught a workshop here in early August and then another at Castroville Pottery in Texas.  There is still one workshop to go in my studio here next weekend (August 31 – September 2) and then an in-house demonstration at Piedmont Virginia Community College later in September.  I’ve really been enjoying the workshops!  Great students sharing good creative energy.  We’ve just begun the third (and final) 2012 session of regular weekly classes here.  They will run through the end of October.

Doing so much teaching has left me with less time to make my own pots.  So instead of my usual multiple shows, I am only taking part in two this fall:

First, Penny Sipple will join me again this year during the 18th Annual Artisans Studio Tour.  Some of my students will be here then too, demonstrating throwing and hand-building, and Basic Necessities will provide some of the refreshments.

Second, I will be a Guest Artist during the 16 Hands Studio Tour in Floyd County, VA.  Rick Hensley and Donna Polsena have invited me to join them in their studio over Thanksgiving Weekend, November 23-25.

And finally, my expanded Studio Showroom will be open DAILY during November and December for holiday shoppers.

Busy times!

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