Studio Tour this weekend! New pots in the showroom!

With extensive help from friends, I’ve spent much of this week reconfiguring classroom space into an expanded showroom that will be up during all of November and December.  This coming weekend, we’ll take part in the Artisans Studio Tour on November 10 & 11. Penny Sipple will join me with her leather bags and some of my pottery students will demonstrate throwing and hand-building. We’ll be here Saturday and Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. Our friends at Basic Necessities will provide finger food, plus we’ll have homemade goodies. Mine is one of twenty studios in this 18th Annual Tour, which will showcase work by thirty-six artisans.

If you can’t make it by this weekend, you can see images of the expanded showroom and do some cyber shopping at the Pots In My Studio page.  I’ll be happy to send you dimensions and prices on anything you see in that cyber-gallery, as well as to ship your purchases.

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