Saw a great pottery exhibit in Long Melford, Suffolk, England

Just back from visiting friends in Sudbury, Suffolk.  While there, I saw a wonderful pottery exhibit at the Imagine Gallery — here is a link to the show.  They called it Legacy: An Exhibition of Potters Inspired by Isaac Button, Country Potter.  Splendid pots, displayed beautifully, and the gallery owners were friendly and knowledgeable.  It was everything one could hope for in a gallery show!  Here are snaps of a few of my favorite pots.

A large bread crock by Mark Titchiner.  Note that it is displayed on sand.  I loved the variety of surfaces and imaginative pedestal arrangements in this show.  As a former gallery owner, I admire creative displays.

A set of pitchers by Stephen Parry

I loved this pitcher by Clive Bowen!

And finally a display of work by someone whose name I have forgotten (my apologies!) – perhaps Andrew Crouch?   I lost my notes that went along with my photos, so I think/hope I have attributed the above pots correctly.  I include this photo in part because of the pedestal display.  They had several of these window openings with lighting — a great way to expand and enhance a pedestal!

I came home with a copy of the full Isaac Button video.  If anyone wants to borrow it, get in touch…

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Two firings!

Yesterday was like Christmas Morning times two, with two firings to open.  I fired both the salt and stoneware kilns over the weekend and since the salt is slower to cool, they were both ready yesterday.  The salt kiln was almost all my pots, the stoneware was full of student work.  Photos below.  Look how colorful and creative my students’ pots are!  They are making fine work!

The firing was darker than expected



And here are the student pots:

(apologies for the photo quality — the light in kiln shed was not great late in the day…)

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Workshop this week was a blast

This week’s workshop participants made a lot of great pots.  We had a fine time together!

The first photo includes a sampling of the work (not including Sharon and Shirley’s pots): the second  features most of the group on the outside deck (everyone except Shirley, who left early that day) and the third shows pots drying on the railing, prior to being packed for the journey home.

Group in classroom

Five participants in the workshop with Nan Rothwell

The group (sans Shirley) on the deck after a day’s throwing. Bingley the dog can’t resist a chance to have her photo taken!

Some of the workshop pots, waiting to be packed for home.

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Spring Open House

Nancy Maxson and I will hold our Spring Open House here at the Pottery on Memorial Day Weekend. Nancy’s display will feature her cards and paintings, plus newly republished copies of her book.  Mine will feature work from my most recent firings.  The show is free and open to the public.

Saturday, May 25
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday, May 26
12:00 noon to 4:00 pm

In addition to our latest work, we’ll have older pieces from the archives in our “Scratch & Dent” sales corner.  Please come by and tell your friends and relations about the show.  Our 2012 show was taken out by the derecho (remember the derecho last year?)  So we’re hoping for calm sunny weather this time around.


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Upcoming Workshops

Three workshops between now and the end of June.

First, The Kiln Doctor is hosting a day-long throwing demo on May 11 at their store in Front Royal. I’ll be throwing functional pots, texturing with wiggle-wires, altering thrown forms, and etc.  There are details about the workshop here.

On June 15, the Potters Guild of Frederick, Maryland is hosting a similar event.  Here’s a link to their flier — 1Nan Rothwell Poster.  They are opening it to Guild members and others.

And finally, Kevin Crowe and I are offering a week-long joint workshop here in Nelson County, Virginia at the end of June.   Participants will spend three days in my studio (June 20-22) and then three at Tye River Pottery.  Kevin’s section of the workshop is full (he can only take four people at a time) but there are still some spots open in my part.  For details, look at the workshop page of this website.

I’m looking forward to the three-day workshop here June 20 – 22, offered in conjunction with Kevin Crowe.  Participants will work here for three days, take a day off to enjoy Nelson County, and then work three days with Kevin at Tye River Pottery.  There are further details about it on the Workshop Page.

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Nice firing today!

Unloaded a kiln this morning that had some lovely carbon trap shino — my favorite stoneware glaze.  It’s unreliable —  gorgeous grey/black at its best and bubble-gum pink and ordinary at other times.  But today’s firing was a winner.

Love that carbon trap!


Other side of the kiln


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Before and after photos of recent firing

Ann took these photos of our most recent firing of student work.  Even after all these years, I still marvel at the transformation from powdery pinks and tans to vibrant colors.  Kiln openings are always like Christmas Morning.

Mostly student pots


Same pots – after being fired to cone ten in reduction

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Teaching, potting, and spring’s here – eight herons sighted!

It’s been a while since I remembered to post here.  Our first ten-week session of classes is almost over.  People are glazing work and I hope to load the first kiln of student pots by week’s end.  Had a great week at John Campbell Folk School!  Kim Maxwell came to help teach the class, which was lucky as there were eleven students at different levels of experience.  She was able to hand-build with some people who didn’t want to work on the wheel, while I focused on the throwers.  I love John Campbell Folk School!!!

It’s finally getting warmer here.  The early daffodils are blooming, the field is greening up, and this morning’s heron census counted either eight confirmed, and perhaps a ninth at the rookery.

There are several workhops coming up soon.  A four-day one in early April, a one-day demo only one on April 27th, and then another joint workshop with Kevin Crowe in June — all slated for my studio here.  In addition, I will be doing demos at The Kiln Doctor in Front Royal, Virginia and for the Potters Guild of Frederick, Maryland.  Details to follow…

As always, I appreciate your help spreading the word about workshops!

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New photos of pots in the showroom

There were so many gaps and switches after the past few shows that I took all new photos of the work in my showroom and posted them just now on the Pots In My Showroom.  Visitors are welcome daily through the end of December.  Or you can take a look online and I can ship your choices to you.
Here are a couple of photos, posted just to whet your interest.

The hutch visitors see when they enter the studio.


A table in the showroom

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16 Hands

Had a good time last weekend in Floyd County, VA at the 16 Hands Studio Tour.  I felt honored to be part of that group of fine potters!  Now I am getting ready for a small show this weekend at Rockfish Valley Community Center with my old friend K Robins.  You can see examples of K’s imaginative symbolic jewelry on her website.  We’ll be there from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm on Saturday, December 1.  K’s studio is on the left  as you face the stage at RVCC.

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