We sold the place in October of 2016

A photo from my friend Steve Palmer of my display shelf at City Clay. I’ll be there all day, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, taking part in our annual Holiday Show.
My friend Steve Palmer, potter and photographer extraordinaire, took some great photos of the show I just put up at City Clay in Charlottesville, Virginia. The show Simply Functional: Celebrating the Everyday Pot will be up September 8 – October 3, with an opening reception on Friday, September 11 at 5:30 – 7:00 pm. Here are Steve’s photos from the show:
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I’m offering a two-day workshop this coming weekend at City Clay in Charlottesville, Virginia. The last City Clay workshop was a lot of fun and I’m really looking forward to this one. Details are on the workshops page.
I’ve moved into a small studio space at City Clay in Charlottesville. I’ve taken up residence in a great little corner room, sharing it with Scott, who generously agreed to my using half of it. It’s a lot smaller than what I’m used to, but I have access to all the other spaces at City Clay, so can expand as projects require.
I’m also teaching one class a week at City Clay and will be offering a series of workshops there during the spring and summer. There are details on the Workshop page of this website. So after a break in the action, I’ve got my hands back in clay. Feels great!
Today is the final day of my studio showroom here in Nelson County, Virginia. It’s been great to sell pots on an honor system – doors unlocked, cashbox on the table. I’ve loved potting and teaching in this studio! Now we’re on to new adventures — living walking distance from the library; teaching in a busy, thriving pottery complex (City Clay in Charlottesville). Thanks everyone for many years of support for my pottery and teaching studio. Stay tuned for the new location of my studio – to be announced when I figure out where I’ll next be making and showing pots…
This evening I discovered that I was one of the Artisans Center of Virginia’s Master Virginia Artisans for 2014. A nice surprise! Perhaps it’s just as well that I spent most of 2014 unaware of my status — it might have given me delusions of grandeur to think of myself as a Master… Anyway, it’ll be a nice note to end the year on as we pack up the studio showroom at the end of this month. I’ve been selling my classroom wheels and equipment, which has made the move feel more real. Still need homes for some of my display pedestals and ware carts. Please pass the word if you know anyone who might be interested.
And if you are still looking for holiday gifts, there are quite a few nice pots left in my showroom. The showroom will be Open Every Day until December 31.
Nancy Maxson and I will hold our annual Holiday Open House here at my studio. We’ve done this show together for years, but this will be our final time. I’m closing the studio at the end of the month.
I just finished taking photos of all the current work on display in my showroom. The showroom will be OPEN DAILY from now until December 31. Then we’ll dismantle the displays and transform the showroom/classroom into an apartment. We lived in this half of the building for several years and I made pots in the other half. Take a look at this final iteration of pots in my showroom.
Next weekend, December 6 & 7, Nancy Maxson and I will hold our final Holiday Open House together. Neither of us can remember how many years we’ve shared this show. A portion of all sales will benefit the Rural Health Outreach Program at the Blue Ridge Medical Center here in Nelson County, Virginia.
This fall is racing by and I see that once again, I have fallen behind in posting to this website. There are big changes afoot here at Nan Rothwell Pottery! We’re closing the studio showroom and classroom as of December 31, 2014 and moving to Charlottesville, Va. I plan to continue to make pots, working in a yet-to-be-discovered small studio in town and firing here in Nelson County. I will still be offering classes and workshops, but beginning in January, they will be at City Clay in Charlottesville. I know we will miss this wonderful place, where we’ve lived and worked since 1978. But we are both excited by the prospect of being able to walk to things and take advantage of town life for a change.
My studio showroom will be Open Daily until December 31. Nancy Maxson and I will hold our final Holiday Open House here December 6 & 7, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the Rural Health Outreach Program here in Nelson County.