Will fire soon. It’s a great time to have a car kiln – I can get these pots loaded and out of harm’s way. Now if only the resident mice don’t nest in one of them again before I fire…
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Will fire soon. It’s a great time to have a car kiln – I can get these pots loaded and out of harm’s way. Now if only the resident mice don’t nest in one of them again before I fire…
This Sunday, July 15, I will be doing a throwing demonstration at City Clay in Charlottesville, VA. I’ll cover altering thrown forms, texturing with a wiggle wire, and working larger by adding components. We’ll meet from 10 to 4, with a break for a potluck lunch. Contact Randy Bill at City Clay for registration details.
Thanks to the huge crippling storm that swept through a big chunk of the mid-Atlantic, people have been dealing with storm cleanup and coping with high temperatures without electric service. Not surprisingly, that has taken a toll on this weekend’s planned Studio Show. Rather than take it down right away, with so few people having had the opportunity to see it, I have shuffled my class schedule so that the show can remain up through next Sunday, July 8.
Please help me spread the word that the show will be up and the studio open every day this coming week. I’ll leave my usual honor-system checkout counter if I need to be away. And I’ll be here with a fresh batch of brownies next weekend — same times, same place — in the hope that those who couldn’t make it this weekend because of the storm damage, may be able to stop by. PLEASE help me spread the word about these extended hours! Thanks!
Nancy Maxson and I will host a Studio Show here in my Nelson County, Virginia pottery on June 30 & July 1. In addition to my pottery and Nancy’s paintings and cards, there will be a display of student pots. My students have been making really fine work, and I look forward to seeing it collected into a coherent show. Please join us on Saturday 10-4 or Sunday 12-4.
Alan’s and my new DVD on glazing and decorating finally arrived in today’s mail. There are a couple of clips of it on the Ceramic Arts Daily website – here is a link to all my DVD clips on the CAD site. The two on top are from the new DVD. They sell both DVD’s at the CAD bookstore, and I have them for sale here on this website.
Tomorrow evening (6/1) is the Opening Reception for the show of paintings and pots that Junko Ono Rothwell (my sister-in-law) and I have up during June at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lynchburg, Virginia. Then on Saturday (6/2) I am doing a throwing demonstration at the Academy pottery studio that will run from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, with an hour break for lunch. That demo is free and open to the public – no registration required.
Take a look at the new pots in my showroom. I did a massive clean-up and rearranged everything in order to fit in new work. [cincopa AQDAJ7qjUVoQ]
People have expressed interest in the Throwing Intensive here scheduled for May 24-27, but said that they could not make it for all four days. As there are still some open spots and time is drawing short, I have decided to open the workshop to three-day or even two-day participants. So if you would like to come, but can’t make it to the full event, please drop me a note or give me a call. And I would appreciate your help spreading the word about these new options. Thanks!
My new DVD on Glazing and Decorating came out today on Ceramic Arts Daily. They included a clip from it, and directions on purchasing it through the CAD Bookstore. I also have it for sale in my online store, although at the moment it is for “pre-sale” and I am not exactly sure when I will have them in my hand to mail to you.
The DVD covers a number of aspects of glazing and decorating. Topics include multiple basic ways to get glaze onto pots, using wax and paper resists, block printing with a variety of materials, and decorating on leather-hard work. I talk about how to choose and place glazes to maximize a pot’s best features (the Lands End bathing suit approach…). We looked at a number of pots we have collected over the years that exemplify design techniques. There are also appendices on mixing glazes and on brief look at glaze chemistry. It was an ambitious project and I am excited it is finally out in the world after an extended gestation period!
Look at the nice work my students are producing! This is the first of two firings of their work from our ten-week session. I’m firing the second half right now and will put up some photos of it after we unload this weekend. (Thanks Ann for taking these snaps!)
[cincopa AIPAG7K8Ask3]
We had a great time at NCECA in Seattle. I enjoyed the chance to reconnect with Wally and Mad Keeler and had a lot of fun working in the AMACO/Brent booth. My only regret about the conference was having so little time with ClayArt and Potters Council friends.
The reduction kiln is cooling today, full of student work. I’m planning to unload and reload it with the rest of their work soon. We had a productive ten weeks of classes! I will post some photos of their work here next week.
Junko Ono Rothwell and I will show her paintings and my pots together at The Academy of Fine Arts in Lynchburg, Virginia. It’s been a while since our last joint show and I am looking forward to seeing Junko’s newest paintings. Our show will be up throughout June, with the opening reception on Friday, June 1.
Then at the end of June, Nancy Maxson and I will hold a Studio Open House here in my Nelson County, Virginia studio on June 30 & July 1. Nancy will show paintings, and I am hoping the timing will work to include a kiln opening of my newest work.